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For lack of passengers, Tunisair calls off regular flights to Tripoli -  12/03/2011 

National flag carrier Tunisair Company announced, on Saturday, its decision to call off its two regular daily flights to Tripoli, for lack of passengers.

The national company specified, in a communiqué, that it has been compelled to stop its additional flights and even cancel some of the regular flights to the Libyan capital city, given the important demand drop recorded during the last few days.

According to the communiqué, Tunisair is nonetheless ready to launch special flights when needed, in co-ordination with Tunisia’s Embassy in Tripoli, in order to ensure repatriation of Tunisians who are still in Libya and wish to return home.

The additional daily flights to Libya, which have been launched by Tunisair since last February 21, have helped the home return of more than 5,000 Tunisian nationals.