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Forum of Tunisia on Investment next June 17 -  13/04/2011 

The " Forum of Tunisia on Investment" is the new theme of the regular international economic meeting to be held next June 17 in Tunis by the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA).

The aim is to convey "the new image of Tunisia" as "a site to host and develop direct foreign investments." The point is also to "reassure" Tunisia's partners and "break with the wait-and-see policy" characterising the attitude of foreign investors after January 14.

The " Forum of Tunisia on Investment " this year is part of a communication plan for revival involving Tunisia's chief economic partners and the different structures of economic promotion.

Participants, both Tunisian and foreign experts, will present the new characteristics of the investment climate in Tunisia and the prospects provided in matters of attracting new direct foreign investments, economic development and job creation. "Investment in inland regions" will be an important part of this meeting with special focus on investment programmes scheduled and the expected impact on prospects for development and employment."

A workshop devoted to "off shoring" will highlight the future options whose expansion will allow to hire numerous university graduates. Leading national and international figures in the economic field are expected to attend this event.