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Seminar on business opportunities in Africa -  07/05/2011 

The Tunis Junior Chamber International organised, on Saturday, a seminar on "Business Opportunities in African Countries: Realities and Challenges."

This debate on the African market was an opportunity for participants to discuss the numerous obstacles impeding growth efforts of certain Tunisian investments in Africa, in spite of the potential offered by this market, abundance of business opportunities and resources the Continent offers.

These obstacles include, among others, absence of direct air links to the region's countries, lack of financial systems' support to Tunisian investors willing to achieve projects in Africa and shortage of efficient macro-economic mechanisms to develop Tunisian-African relations.

Mr. Kamel Ben Yaghlane, JCI member, Ghana's Honorary Consul and Tunisia's Foreign Trade Adviser, asserted that "to conquer the African market, Tunisian partners should step up efforts to develop trade relations with African countries."