National Observatory of Public Procurements (NOPP) - Tunisia : invitations to tenders, laws, decrees, orders,
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National Observatory of public Procurements

The National Observatory of the Public Procurements established within the high commission of public procurement is charged of:

  • Establishing of an information system allowing the gathering, the treatment and the analysis of the data related to the public procurements,
  • Following the recorded evolution concerning the public purchase; the procedures of purchase and evaluation of the economic and social impacts and proposing every measure likely to improve the placement of the orders,
  • The keeping of an information register about the holders of the public procurements on the base of follow up slips established after the performance of each procurement. The methods relating to the information register and the follow up slips are determined by order of the Prime Minister.
  • Studying and proposing every measure likely to improve the regulation of the public procurements notably on the basis of the jurisprudence of the procurements higher commission.
  • Controlling the public purchase and improving its profitability to the judicial, economic, commercial and technical levels.

Assisting the public purchasers through the establishment of the training programs and the consultations as well as the establishment of the standard documents and computer applications and diverse assistance measures aiming at facilitating and simplifying their grant.