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Annual program Details
Reserved for small businesses : No
Year : 2016
Public purchaser area : Office de la Marine Marchande et des Ports
object : اقتناء تجهيزات لتأمين المداخل البحرية لموانئ حلق الوادي-رادس-بنزرت-منزل بورقيبة
Period of realization : 180 يوما
Contracting procedure : Competitive bidding
Proceedings : Normale
Funding method : Budget
Date of preparation of brochures conditions : 2016/07/29
Publication date of the notice : 2016/08/10
The date of the announcement of the competition : 2016/09/12
Date of referral to the procurements committee : 2016/10/10
Date response Procurement Commission : 2016/10/20
Date publication of results : 2016/12/20
Date notification des marchés 2016/12/30
Start date for performance 2017/01/10