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Annual program Details
Reserved for small businesses : No
Year : 2023
Public purchaser area : Commissariat régionale de la jeunesse et de sport de Monastir
object : the acquisition of sports equipment for the benefit of civil sports associations in individual sports and school sports associations in physical education in Monastir for the year 2023.
Period of realization : 45
Contracting procedure : Competitive bidding
Proceedings : Simplified
Funding method : Budget
Date of preparation of brochures conditions : 2023/10/02
Publication date of the notice : 2023/11/02
The date of the announcement of the competition : 2023/11/23
Date prise en charge de dossier comm achats : 2023/11/27
Date of referral to the procurements committee : 2023/11/28
Date response Procurement Commission : 2023/11/30
Date publication of results : 2023/12/01
Date notification des marchés 2023/12/01
Start date for performance 2023/12/04