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 Décret n° 2009-2861 du 5 octobre 2009 dated 05 Oct 2009  portant fixation des modalités et conditions de passation des marches négociés de fournitures de biens et services avec les entreprises essaimées  Read the remainder
 Decree n° 2008-3505 dated 21 Nov 2008  amending decree n° 2002-3158 dated 17 December 2002, governing the public procurements  Read the remainder
 Decree n° 2008-2656 dated 31 July 2008  fixing the criteria and methods of grant and withdrawal of the approval entitling the enterprises of public works and buildings to take part in the realization of the public procurements  Read the remainder
 Decree n° 2008-2472  dated 05 July 2008  relating to the exceptional review of the prices of the public procurements of works  Read the remainder
 Decree n° 2008-2471 dated 05 July 2008  amending and completing decree n° 2002-3158 dated 17 December 2002 regulating the public procurements  Read the remainder
 Decree n° 2008-561 dated 04 March 2008  amending and completing decree n° 2002-3158 dated 17 December 2002, regulating the public procurements  Read the remainder
 Decree n° 2008-562 dated 04 March 2008  fixing the terms and conditions of the conclusion of the contracts of the supply of goods and services with the expanded enterprises  Read the remainder
 Decree n° 2007-1329 dated 04 June 2007  amending and completing decree n° 2002-3158 dated 17 December 2002, regulating public procurements  Read the remainder
 Decree n° 2007-1330 dated 04 June 2007  fixing the list of public enterprises whose orders for goods and services supply are excluded from the scope of application of public procurements regulations  Read the remainder